• 24 juli, 2023 Managing Kitchen Fruit Flies with a Little Shop of Horrors
Every summer since we’ve moved here, we end up with swarms of fruit flies in the kitchen. They congregate around the compost bin and the fruit bowl (where there are always lots of bananas). We aren’t slobbish - I do the dishes and wipe down the counters every night, take the compost out and wash the bin 2-3x a week. Keeping everything washed and clean helps, but the fruit flies still build up over time. And if there’s even the slightest deviation from the cleaning schedule, within 2-3 days the fruit flies have built up exponentially and there are 50-100 of them swarming around.
Zachary Cohn had een serieus fruitvliegjesprobleem en ging op zoek naar de beste vleesetende plant.